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healthy dessert

Summer Slim-Down Series: Protein Berry Muffins!

Today’s Summer Slim-down RECIPE comes from: Eve Lynn Kessner!  Eve Lynn is a fellow Health Coach, SoulCycle Instructor & TOTAL Balanced Beauty!  She defines herself as, “a wife, mom, sister, daughter, vegan, artist, writer, procrastinator, cook, activist, traveler, volunteer, designer, dreamer, believer, New Yorker, entrepreneur, sometimes…

Happy SPRING Thoughts & RECIPES!

Spring into SPRING by detoxing your home!  Toss or donate anything “junky” or too heavy from the cold winter months and hit that reset button!!! I want you to focus on loading your cabinets and refrigerators with only light, healthy, spring-like foods…If you live in the…

Hi, Beauty!

Email: to learn how to give the gift of health this season. A Coaching Package is the perfect Holiday gift for someone you love.

Health & Happiness,

Coach Aly
