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Healthy Inspiration/Lifestyle

Halloween Contest WINNER!

THANK YOU to everyone who participated and submitted photos for the first-ever:  “Balanced Beauty Halloween Contest!” This year’s WINNER is an entrant who put creativity, love and a healthy “Balanced Beauty” mindset into celebrating the holiday this year with her son! Congratulations to Balanced…


PUMPKINS!!!… Don’t they just make you smile? So happy, round and lovable! I get excited every time I see them pop up all over town!!! YESSSSS! PUMPKINS! It’s no wonder Cinderella used one as a magical carriage because they really are a magical little fruit.…


“A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances. Whatever your circumstances right now, that is only your current reality.” –Dr Joe Vitale      If you have the desire to change (your body, relationships, work, energy etc.)   all you…

Lose FAT, spare MUSCLE!

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn!  Lean. Healthy. Strong= Balanced Beauty We use our muscles all day, every day… From our workouts to the smallest of activities like walking, speaking… even smiling! Our muscles need to be properly maintained and…

Hi, Beauty!

Email: to learn how to give the gift of health this season. A Coaching Package is the perfect Holiday gift for someone you love.

Health & Happiness,

Coach Aly
