THANK YOU to everyone who participated and submitted photos for the first-ever: “Balanced Beauty Halloween Contest!” This year’s WINNER is an entrant who put creativity, love and a healthy “Balanced Beauty” mindset into celebrating the holiday this year with her son! Congratulations to Balanced…
I LOVE HALLOWEEN! In fact, I have been obsessed with the Holiday ever since I was a little girl. It is one day you CAN TRULY BE ANYTHING and ANYONE you want to be! Halloween is also a time for ultimate imagination, outside of…
PUMPKINS!!!… Don’t they just make you smile? So happy, round and lovable! I get excited every time I see them pop up all over town!!! YESSSSS! PUMPKINS! It’s no wonder Cinderella used one as a magical carriage because they really are a magical little fruit.…
Today, I am jumping on the “Woman Crush Wednesday“ bandwagon to tell you all about my new WOMAN CRUSH: KRIS CARR!…aka: “Crazy, Sexy, Kris.” Her name may sound familiar because she is a New York Times and #1 Amazon best-selling author, wellness activist and…
Do you have a low SEX DRIVE? What did you last eat?…Was it some crappy processed foods? OR was it the type of food your brain thrives on and needs as FUEL? THE FOOD YOU EAT IS THE FUEL OF YOUR BRAIN! If you…
Hi Beauties! I cannot believe Labor Day weekend is here!!! I am so proud of all of you for eating clean, prioritizing your health, and making healthier choices over these past summer months! For those of you who want to take your body to…
“A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances. Whatever your circumstances right now, that is only your current reality.” –Dr Joe Vitale If you have the desire to change (your body, relationships, work, energy etc.) all you…
When it comes to FAT LOSS, there is one very important activity you may be missing out on: SLEEP! Insufficient quantity and quality may be the cause of you holding onto those stubborn pounds or even gaining weight. If you are stuck on a plateu…
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn! Lean. Healthy. Strong= Balanced Beauty We use our muscles all day, every day… From our workouts to the smallest of activities like walking, speaking… even smiling! Our muscles need to be properly maintained and…
Do you know if you’re Vitamin D deficient?… Are you 100% sure you aren’t? The reason I ask you is because this is a serious health crisis… It’s been estimated that 50% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. A lack of Vitamin D has been associated…