My clients all come to me for one reason- They want to feel and look their best. We often focus on Nutrition with meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle changes but something magical always happens. As we work together, the shift goes from food to complete positivity, feel-good energy, balance and transformation in every area of their life- Why?
When we work together, we re-think the way we look at food, our choices, our entire life. When this happens, a shift takes place. Clients start to step outside of themselves, their routines, daily thoughts, and realize the bigger and more important picture- Their dreams, goals, and spirit. Something bigger than themselves starts to take over and guide their new healthy thought system and their every day choices.
This Thanksgiving, I would like for you to think like a Balanced Beauty– Think outside the typical thoughts of the Holiday- Of course, I mean The FOOD!!!… Think more about what the spirit of the holiday is really about- Giving THANKS.
Being thankful and grateful is one of the first secrets to truly having EVERYTHING you want and need in life. When you appreciate who and what you have, this creates feel-good thoughts. Focus on what you don’t have, and this creates a “lack mentality.” When you focus on what you don’t have, you can expect that negative thought to consume you…When you focus on all you have, your heart immediately opens and you are on a frequency of love, appreciation, acceptance, and feeling good.
“But Coach Aly- Nothing is working out for me. Not the way it does for other people.”
I hear this a lot. And my response is– If you think the grass is greener- THINK AGAIN!

The only thing that separates you from anyone else is your perspective, and how you look at things. Think you have it tough??? I GUARANTEE whatever situation you are going through, there is always someone else out there who has it worse. Everyone goes though their own unique struggles, downward shifts, sickness, loss, break-ups, pain… This is a normal cycle of life. Most, if not every single person on this planet, is searching for something…wanting something…And at the basis of this want or desire is LOVE. Everyone just wants to feel good. Like they matter. That their existence means something and their efforts are appreciated.
This season I ask you, no matter what you are going through, to think of the below 3 tips to get in the spirit of “THANKS & GIVING.”
- Think outside yourself – Make contributions wherever you go.
- Appreciate the spirit and contributions of others (…For example- no matter how crazy or annoyed a relative may make you- shift your perspective! Try and see the good! Understand they likely have a lack of love and it only helps YOU to help change the frequency by giving love and appreciating them for who they are… Often times, the people who are the most difficult- need the most love).
- Make sure whatever goals or dreams you are working towards are not just for you, but they benefit others as well.
When we live to be “in service” of others, we are living a life of meaning. When you feel down, the fastest way to pick up your spirit is to do something for someone else. Get outside yourself–Give. Share. Help. Appreciate! These are all ways to align yourself with the true meaning of Thanksgiving and to live a life of gratitude.
Last month, I said if you do just 1 thing every day towards your dreams or goals, that’s at least 30 things to propel you forward by the end of the month. This month, with the Holiday season upon us, I challenge you to do just 1 thing every day for someone else… That will be 30+ things by New Years, and 30 new ways you can not only feel amazing but to allow others to feel amazing too.
“Someone is praying for the blessings you take for granted.”
WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR?… List them in your mind, write them down, shout them from the roof tops! Open your heart and tune into the frequency of gratitude- it will fill your heart with everything and everyone you need, and more.
Wishing you a safe, happy, and abundant Thanksgiving!
With Love,
Coach Aly