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The Balanced Beauty Summer Slim-Down Series: Overnight Oats, “Grab & G’Oatmeal”

Today’s Summer Slim-Down inspiration comes from fellow Health Coach, PhD (Molecular Toxicology & Nutritional Biochemistry) and new wifey, Balanced Beauty, Dr. Rhea!

The Balanced Beauty LLC, Private Holistic Health Coaching By Aly Mang, Dr Rhea Recipe FeatureThis “Grab & G’oatmeal” recipe is loaded with SUPER-FOOD ingredients to give your morning a SUPER-START! Easy to prep and to later: GRAB & GO!!!

* Best made in the evening as Breakfast Prep. Often called “overnight oats.”
Grab & G’oatmeal
Yields 1 Serving

  • ¾ cup water or unsweetened nut or seed milk
  • ¼ cup oat or buckwheat groats, pre-rinsed with water
  • 2 tbsp goji berries or mulberries
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1 tbsp cacao nibs or raw cacao
  • 1 tbsp natural sweetener (maple syrup, raw honey, xylitol) or pinch stevia

The Balanced Beauty LLC, Private Holistic Health Coaching By Aly Mang, Dr Rhea Recipe FeatureOptional: ¼ tsp ginger and cinnamon powders, 1 tbsp nut or seed butter, 1 or more tbsp protein powder


  1. Rinse and drain buckwheat or oat groats, and add to a wide mouthed mason jar, along with the remaining ingredients. Cap and shake well.
  2. Place jar in fridge for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight.
  3. Remove jar from fridge, stir well and serve. Garnish with fresh fruit if desired.

For more from Dr. Rhea,  follow her on Instagram at: @drrheamehta

Keep following the Blog and @1BalancedBeauty for healthy, delicious SUMMER SLIM-DOWN RECIPES throughout the season!

With Love,
Coach Aly

The Balanced Beauty LLC, Private Holistic Health Coaching By Aly Mang, Dr Rhea Recipe FeatureThe Summer Slim-Down Series was designed by The Balanced Beauty to give you alternative recipes to the foods you love and crave!  Swapping ingredients, sticking to portion sizes and preparing meal/snack options in advance will help you slim down for the warm-weather months… You will be bikini-ready, without feeling deprived!

Insta/Twitter: @1BalancedBeauty

Hi, Beauty!

Email: to learn how to give the gift of health this season. A Coaching Package is the perfect Holiday gift for someone you love.

Health & Happiness,

Coach Aly
