Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!
Whether you are in a relationship, single and ready to mingle, or totally independent – this is a day everyone should recognize, honor and celebrate!…
Why?… Because — LOVE is the greatest power in the Universe!
When your heart is open and welcomes the feelings of LOVE, you are in a state of “feeling good,” and it is with this feel-good energy that you are in a state of creation, and can accomplish anything you put your mind to!
Here are my “Top 5 Balanced Beauty LOVE Tips” to embrace the SPIRIT of Valentines!
- Think of LOVE as your ENERGY — as FUEL! …Let it fill you, lift and guide you!
- SELF-LOVE is very important because the way you treat, speak, and view yourself, is the energy you
…A dose of UNCONDITIONAL Love!
project to the world… Want others to love you? It starts with YOU loving YOU first! …FUEL up on LOVE by surrounding yourself with things you enjoy… This can be as simple as wearing your favorite color (pink and red might especially do the trick this week).
- The LOVE you GIVE is the love you receive. This is the law of the Universe (some call it “Karma”). Be very aware of your thoughts and what you are putting “out” because you WILL receive this energy back in some form.
- Kindness, Consideration, Support, Positivity and LOVE can help transform someone’s day — It can create a domino effect…Your one simple act CAN impact the lives of MANY! Consider a “random act of kindness” this Valentines — you never know just who, or how many people, you may be helping, changing and transforming.
- The experience of giving, serving and doing for others will fill your heart with the most LOVE. Think of Valentines Day as the opportunity to give your BEST to others… Share your heart and be open to receiving in return. This is a high-energy day where others should be more receptive to this kind of exchange.
Many of us don’t ALLOW or let love in— I invite you to be extra vulnerable this time of year, because it is only when you are OPEN and TRUSTING, that you can truly FEEL and EXPERIENCE love in its purest form….

LOVE is healthy & most healing to the body!
If you have been hurt in a relationship, use techniques of SELF-LOVE to build back your confidence and trust (either solo or with your partner). Look at what happened in the relationship as a learning experience. Use it as a tool to see all you want and don’t want moving forward (in your current or next relationship). Often times things break a part to build back together STRONGER. We go through loss, pain and heartache only to help pave the path we are meant to be on, with the people we belong with. When there is a breakdown, typically this is caused by a LACK of love….To resolve the issue, view the situation from a loving lens. Choose positivity and infuse LOVE back into the relationship, to heal and move forward better than ever before!
Lastly, and most importantly— the people who are nasty, unkind, rude, aggressive, gossipy, toxic (and the ones who likely “hate Valentines Day”) are the ones who likely need love the most! When you come across someone stuck in this energy or mindset, try wishing them well and do your best to be extra patient, kind and loving.
…And YES, I agree— this Holiday can be a bit “Hallmark” but it’s not about expensive gifts — it’s about recognizing, sharing and celebrating the greatest power in the Universe…. It’s the ONE DAY in the year we can all come together, honor and vibrate high on LOVE!!!
And like the fairy-tales- it’s true— When you have LOVE, you feel like you have it all!
In case no one told you yet today:

LOVE is the greatest power of all!
HEALTH COACHING #RELATIONSHIPS – Relationships are an integral part of your health. The type of relationships, how you BALANCE your relationships and the role you play within them.