I feel energy.
…Sometimes it’s stronger than other times and I can sense and know things, without understanding how or why.
Sometimes this knowing sense or energetic connection is so strong that I burst into tears or become super hyper with energy. It comes and flows- And as I grow older, and better understand and open myself to this connection, it grows stronger.
I share this because I recently had an appointment at Memorial Sloan Kettering, for my bi-annual appointment and screening for breast cancer. Breast cancer runs in my family, so I have proactively screened myself since my 20s.
I bring this up because of all the places I have been, I have never felt a stronger presence of spirit and energy than when I walked onto the Breast Cancer screening floor. It hit me so strongly this past visit, my heart burst open- my head and body tingled and felt an incredibly powerful knowing sense I was completely surrounded by spirit.
Why here?
It is clear this is a place many people are praying. Many are suffering. Many are filled with fear or filled with questions. This is also a place where thoughts are positive and people connect most to God- to be healthy- to live life to the fullest- to be in the grace of a higher power, love and protection. To be filled with comfort and strength…
I felt all these things and more as I sat in the waiting room.
I began to write and as I did I began to cry. Of course, releasing my own fears but also feeling grateful to KNOW of this loving energy, surrounding all these women. If I could only go up to each of them, hold their hands or hug them and let them know they are looked out for and loved I would – But since that would probably be super weird–It is why I am writing this Blog. There is a voice in me that cannot stay silent and bury this truth that more people need to come to know and understand.
I decided to share this message to anyone reading because if it can help just one person- it’s all I care about… To let you know you are never alone and in the most difficult times, when you think you are– This is when you are even more protected and in the comfort of those loving spirits. All you have to do is believe and ask for help. Also, be open to receiving healing and allow spirit to enter your heart, to fully remove whatever it is bothering you. Whether it is a sickness, ailment or a regular every day problem- Spirit is always with you, if you are open to it. The key is being open.

See a feather?…Know an angel is near.
Life is difficult. It is not meant to be easy–obstacles and challenges are what allow your soul to grow. But when you turn to the idea that something bigger than you is guiding and supporting you, I guarantee you will feel more at ease and at peace. For so long I was in this belief but I also thought I had to be strong and in control- This “control” was actually my biggest enemy. By letting go, releasing and allowing, you truly open and surrender yourself to something much bigger and better than anything you could ever do. You believing you are, in fact, in control is actually what causes most suffering.
There is never a need for suffering or feeling alone. . . Yes, there is evil in this world- But there is also soooo much good and so much more than most will ever know or come to understand in this lifetime.
As I feel privileged to feel connected to spirit and energy- And understand it more and more over recent years, I must share this message with you and hope you know how loved you are! How protected you are! …And how if you stay positive, and are a source of love and light, you actually help to heal others. We are all connected. As you share your heart and this belief- it will magnetically and magically allow others to illuminate and release their own fears, doubts, pains, troubles and sickness that is not of the body- But mostly the mind.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted among the earth.”
Psalm 46:10
I share this quote from the Bible not because I am super “religious” – I do not actually identify with a specific religion but I am extremely spiritual- I urge you to remain open to all teachings and find what speaks most to you and your heart. This quote I find to be extremely powerful and believe if repeated, will allow you to come to know your own light and truth.
As the new “thunder moon” of Capricorn comes in July (7/9 to be exact), know this is a very powerful time for progress with goals and packing a punch with your spiritual learning, understanding and progression… As always, thank you for being a part of the Balanced Beauty community. Grateful to be connected to you!
Sending Love,
Coach Aly
Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July Weekend!!! Use time off from work to enjoy activities that most open your heart… If you are seeking certain answers, know they will always be found by turning within.
If in need of additional help or support, check out my Spirituality page and Email any time to work together in a way that will serve most helpful to you.
PS: Check out my favorite organization, The Pink Agenda and their upcoming events to support Breast Cancer Awareness. Proceeds fund Breast Cancer Research- Party for a cause!