Hi Beauties!
This Wednesday, June 13th, the sky will illuminate with the powerful GEMINI NEW MOON.
New moons always represent new beginnings but this one is especially important, as it connects to the deepest part of you… It is time to speak your truth, open your heart and step into your power.
Balanced Beauty Tips
If you don’t already, I strongly suggest keeping a journal… A place where you can check-in by connecting to your thoughts and feelings. Often times, we get so caught-up with the hustle and grind of our lives, we forget to ask ourselves the most important/basic question:
This self-diagnosis is crucial to your inner peace, happiness and health.
Often times, clients come to me to lose weight but what they don’t realize is their FOOD CHOICES are made based upon their FEELINGS. Many of you can understand that, because when you are stressed and tired, just think about the foods you often crave or gravitate towards: fast food, accessible take-out, and foods that give us that feeling of INSTANT GRATIFICATION…(chocolate, pizza, burgers, fried foods, ice-cream etc)… But guess what? These foods will only weigh you down further and continue the cycle of never-ending fatigue, stress and yo-yo-patterns….

Gemini = The twins– Representing BALANCE.
The key is to get in-front of this behavior of stress or emotional eating by taking time each day to simply check-in with your thoughts and feelings. Get open and honest, and know only you are responsible for your your current state. The way you feel about yourself, others, and life in general is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you. If you are unhappy, know that YOU and YOU ALONE have the power to change and transform for the better.
If something is bothering you, causing stress or making you feel anything less than your best, tackle it head on. Keeping a journal to openly and honestly express and communicate your feelings, will allow you to confront and release any negative emotions you are holding onto…And I strongly suggest finishing your writing by setting goals or finding the positive in whatever you are facing; Difficult times are our greatest teachers for growth and development.
What you think- you see.
What you feel- you create.
Want to be happy? Feel good? Make healthier choices?…It’s time to get open and honest. And not with anyone else other than yourself.
Use the feel-good summer vibes and energy of the truthful new moon to get honest and real with what you think, are feeling and what you truly want for yourself.
2018 is half over– How do you want this year to end? ..Whatever you want, it is yours the minute you take action…And the first step is getting honest and choosing to make a change. THIS WEEK is the PERFECT time to set those goals, new intentions and CHOOSE to move forward.
If you are reading this, it’s time.
With Love,
Coach Aly
Changes can be difficult to make alone. Often times, we want to feel better but we just don’t know where to start…
If you need a little help, motivation, inspiration or guidance check out my packages or perhaps schedule a 1:1 60 minute call. Hourly check-ins are designed to discuss specific issues, ailments, questions or concerns and are followed-up with customized recommendations, tips and tools to help you take action towards transformation and change for the better. These appointments can be made over-the phone and scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.
Email: Info@TheBalancedBeauty.com or contact me: HERE!