Nowadays, everywhere you turn there are juice pop-up shops, vendors and bottled options in your local supermarket…
Juicing is an efficient, delicious and nutritious way to immediately experience a surge in overall health and energy. While many juice companies are cashing in on this latest “juice-craze,” know that you should only be drinking fresh juice to get the real health benefits. Processed juices are “dead foods” and eating or drinking them will result in low-energy and possible health problems. Many bottled juices are high in sugar, which will have the opposite effect you are hoping to achieve.
I recommend getting your own juicer or stopping by a local spot that will make fresh juice, using only organic fruits and veggies. Below are some winning Balanced Beauty juice combos. Start with two 8-ounce glasses of fresh juice per day. You will start to notice your weight stabilize and energy levels boosted.
Carrot Juice: Rich in phytonutrients, especially beta-carotene and vitamin A. Great for immune system, respiratory, and heart health. One cup of juice contains equivalent of 4 raw chopped carrots.
Carrot-Beet Juice: Excellent for the liver, flushing out toxins, and for strengthening immune system
Carrot-Celery Juice: A great combination for vitamin A and many important minerals. Excellent for heart, respiratory, and immune system.
*Cucumber Juice: The best option for balancing your emotions and helping you ease off substances, such as alcohol, drugs or nicotine. It is also great for hair, skin, and mails. Cucumber is a natural diuretic, which helps eliminate bloating. I highly recommend using cucumber in any of your juice combos.
Parsley-Carrot-Beet-Spinach-Apple Juice: Very energizing and healing combo! You should try and have this juice once per week.
Orange-Carrot Juice: A deliciously sweet mix, that is rich in folic acid, vitamin c, vitamin a, and potassium! Excellent as an immune system and respiratory tonic.
Here are ways you can incorporate JUICE into your day, in an easy and healthy way:
- For a complete breakfast, mix protein powder into your juice. The only protein powder I drink and recommend can be found: HERE
- Drink with lunch or as a snack (3pm or a few hours after lunch is a great time, as this is when most of you busy worker bee’s energy tends to dip)
- Drink vegetable juice along side dinner or as a post-dinner snack
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices will help you add more fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients into your body. As noted above, properties aid in every way from energy to skin, weight, hair, skin, nails– HELLO, BEAUTY!!!
Making Smoothies (adding more fruit) is another great way to enjoy the benefits of juicing. I love smoothies, especially for breakfast. Below is my favorite, Balanced Beauty Recipe, which combines both Veggies, Fruits, and Spices for maximum benefits:

I aim to include 1 smoothie/day in my routine for total health!
- 1 Cup Spinach
- 3 Celery Stalks
- 1 small Cucumber
- 1 Ginger “chunk”
- 1 Cup Almond or Coconut Milk
- 1 Scoop Vanilla or Chocolate protein
- 1 Banana- Essential beauty food/mood-booster for women!
- Sprinkle of Cinnamon (metabolism and brain booster; also boosts heat in the body- great in winter months)
- Optional: Chia or Flax Seeds
*You can use a NutriBullet, Ninja, VitaMix or Blender. Add ice for thicker smoothie.
This recipe is my favorite to kick-start and support a productive day- ENJOY!
Questions? Drop me a note!